Engaging Child Performers in the Entertainment Industry
Each state has different laws governing engagement of children on screen productions.
Most of the Australian states and territories have child employment laws with requirements differing in each state. Legislation currently exists in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia and Australian Capital Territory. South Australia has recently considered introducing legislation governing the employment of children though this is yet to be formalised.
Legislation may also dictate the conditions of employment for children, such as hours worked, travel and rest; tutoring, supervision, insurance and facilities. Legislation may also impose conditions on the employer dealing with record keeping, notification requirements to family/Department/school, Working with Children Checks; and in some states, the obligation to hold a licence or permit.
The producer should follow the rules that apply in that state.
In states that do not have comprehensive rules for engaging child performers and participants, producers might consider reviewing the rules that apply in other states and use these rules as guiding principles:
NSW Office of Children’s Guardian
Queensland - Employing Children in Entertainment
Victorian Guide to Employment of Children in the Entertainment Industry
Additional Requirements for a Child Safe Organisations
Arising from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, all state and territory governments and the Commonwealth government, have committed to National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.
That means that wherever you are operating, any organisation working with children should follow the
National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.
When working with children, you will need to develop a Child Safe Policy and a Child Safe Code of Conduct.
These should be tailored to fit the particular circumstances of your production. Examples are:
Template for Child Safe Policy
Template for Child Safe Code of Conduct